Let’s fully monetize your potential and unique Capabilities and take the governor off cruise control

Master Every Area Of Your Life Solutions Decided To Fit Your Time, Your Lifestyle And Your Budget

I am on a mission to impact and change the lives of solopunieurs by helping them breakthrough the barriers that have been keeping them from unleashing their potential and capabilities 

Whether you have been in business 2 years or 40 years, the culture and direction of your business will make or break your success. No matter what level of business you are at today, there is always room to continue to challenge and empower those around you. Uplevel every aspect of your business, your career and your life by staying in peak performance.

Anchoring in and harnessing your business processes and skills: Introducing - The Business Accelerator Mastermind

What Is The Business
Accelerator Mastermind?

One on one Accelerator Coaching and The Business Accelerator Mastermind (BAM) is a 10-week exclusive coaching mastery program for financial services professionals who want to go from average to next level success. This program gives you the tools and support necessary to assist you to break through and onto the next phase in your practice.

The word Accelerator in the Program was specifically chosen because adding accelerant to(instead of on) your foundational knowledge will accelerate your results in all areas of your business. You will have the opportunity to go from sustainable to becoming more profitable within a very short period of time.

The Mastermind is designed to help you take your financial services practice from average to the next level at rapid speed! It’s the jumpstart that you have been looking for. Your current capabilities got you to where you are today running your successful practice. In order to breakthrough through, the next stage in our business your next level capabilities and the accelerator tools will give you the pathway to accelerate your knowledge. Participating in this cutting edge, proven Masterclass program and accelerator tools, combined with the 4 coaching pillars of your financial services practice will get you where you wanted to go in an accelerated fashion.

The content within this program was exclusively designed with you in mind to take you where you dream of taking your practice.

You will be among the elite successful survivalists in the financial services and wealth management industry. Have the mindset, focus, and enthusiasm that will get you so dialed into your practice that you will be in crushmode. Year-long business planning is a thing of the past. How many years have you done a plan just to have it sitting in a file or on a bookshelf somewhere by April?

A system and accelerator tool that will catapult your practice to the next level. Remove it does not make sense.

You are not in competition with other advisors or wealth management advisors, the only one you are in competition with is you! You are only here to compete with what you are born Capable of accomplishing.

Stop worrying about what others are doing, that is not serving you in this season. It’s time to commit to yourself, be proactive, and create industry disruption in your own business. Don’t be the practice that sits on the sidelines and let everything going on around you disrupt your business because you didn’t take action and pivot.

The Business Accelerator Masterclass will assist you in leading your business through change, technology, disruption, and plateaus.

Your habits and
capability before

Your Habits, mindset and capabilities after

I Don’t offer a mastermind,(Should be Masterclass) or a ‘Blueprint’ or any templated approach designed for the masses… I offer a combination of consulting, coaching, accelerator tools, and mindset training that offers the most complete solution for Solopreneurs in Financial Services who want massive results with their business.

I want to help you and your practice have a competitive advantage it deserves and breakthrough to the next level.


By setting up the right support structure, you will not only be able to grow your business but
adopt fundamental strategies designed to help maintain, grow, and leverage your practice.

The mastermind will also:

  • Afford you the freedom & give you a roadmap to get to where you want to take your business
  • Give you a proven path to break the common obstacles financial services business owners experience
  • Help you identify your unique practice DNA
  • Give you the know-how on what you need to be doing to appeal to your future clients
  • Enable you to generate new qualified leads in your target Ideal client
  • Help you become digital-ready in order to face the transformation that business is going through in the digital realm
  • Give you a clear way forward on how to do business with technology
  • Help you to overcome the barriers that present themselves (This part does not make any sense) with it comes to full immersion coaching
  • Help break through self-defeating thinking
  • Assist you in building new sales process that takes into consideration the ‘new normal’ we are going to be operating in
  • Help you identify and write out your unique competitive advantage

Click below to apply




The mastermind was created to give business owners a proven path to success.

It’s for Advisors and Financial Professionals Who:

  • Are looking for more out of their business and want to benefit from a consistent framework
  • Want to invest in their business potential
  • Want to be able to solve problems and breakthrough to their next business level, with confidence
  • Know they are capable of doing so much more with their business and want to learn how to do that
  • Advisors who want to stand out from others in their industry
  • Are committed to achieving your business goals and are willing to do what it takes to make it happen
  • Are open to growth, are coachable, and understand the potential that is available to you achieving accelerated business success?

Does this sound like you?

Click below to apply


  • 10 weeks of intensive group coaching with live Q&A sessions for you to get your questions answered and gain a deeper understanding
  • We will build your Financial Practice ECOSYSTEM
  • Weekly tasks and assignments to build your ‘Get Chosen’ Portfolio for you to use with your prospective clients
  • Constant feedback on your sales processes to help you achieve results
  • Role-playing scenarios as well as ‘rinse and repeat sessions’

PLUS the Bonus:

  • 90-day access to all copies of The Business Accelerator Weekly Trainings AND 90 days access to the Accelerator Toolbox


  • Other programs may give you all access but the Business Accelerator Mastermind has been developed to coach you through the entire 10-Week process and come out with a completed 90 Day business plan and a clearer RoadMap in all areas of your financial practice.
  • Other programs often build false value by stretching the modules out. The mastermind follows a proven "Ability Stacking" Process that allows you to build your customizable Roadmap giving you the freedom and confidence to achieve mastery level results
  • Other programs may give you all access but the Business Accelerator Mastermind has been developed to coach you through the entire 10-Week process and come out with a completed 90 Day RoadMap in all areas of your financial practice.

What To Do Next?

You’ve seen that the Mastermind is for you and you’re wondering how you can get started and what you need to do…

Follow The Next Step To Get Started In The Mastermind.

Click here to fill out a short questionnaire to see if you qualify and are a match for the 10-week Masterclass
The questionnaire will help give me a get a better idea of where you are coming from and what you are looking to achieve.

We will then see how we can make that happen by working with you. Not a fan of this line. What about, your individual answers will be evaluated and give me the opportunity to also include additional tools, tips, and tricks customized specifically for your needs.


“I have had the pleasure of working with Wendy for a while now, her Multi-Dimensional approach in helping business owners get to the next level in their Practice has been game-changing.” Wendy has been working with me to identify my ideal client avatar and create automation by adopting digital tools and social media to target my ideal future clients. I am in the final stages of a very successful career. I am confident that in my I am building a financial practice that will leave a legacy for many other professionals that come after me, that is why I continue to invest in growth.

Hal Tearse, CPWA®
Senior VP- Financial Advisor at Baird Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area

Wendy’s intuition and leadership have helped me grow my businesses to next-level results. She has been the mirror that I needed to be held up to break through my own barriers. She has helped me get clear on how to drive revenue and marketing strategies to the right areas of my business “ The Accelerator Tools inside The Business Accelerator Tool Box has given me clarity, direction, and insight that would have taken many additional years on my own. “ I am all about applying the research and learning from the industry into my practice giving me instant leverage and knowledge.

Susan L. Pulse, M.B.A.
Business Owner -Perimeter Insurance North Carolina

It is so important that as advisors we build our Competitive advantage within the Wealth Management and Financial Advisory space. Wendy’s leadership and her Business Accelerator Program will give you the tools to accomplish just that.  I have seen many leaders come and go in the industry, but leaders like Wendy don’t come around all that often. She walks the walk and leads by example. Her knowledge of all roles within the Financial Services industry has been invaluable. When we all have a better understanding of where the industry is going, then it allows us to be proactive in our own professional growth and developments so we can be the disrupters rather than being disrupted.

Anthony Zilli
CEO of Zilli Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I have been in the industry for years. This year, I decided to invest in myself and my professional growth. I have been adopting The Business Accelerator Tools and Principles in my practice and it is not on accident that even during Covid and being in downtown NYC that I am having my best 4th Quarter every in my business” I am “All In” when it comes to 2021 and my professional growth. I am thankful that I made the decision to partner and learn from Wendy.

Meredith Langus
Financial Advisors
New York, New York,
United States

I have been working with Wendy on the Financial Business Accelerator throughout this year. I have been in the industry for five years, but it seems like this year is the year that everything came together. I have gained more confidence and clarity than any other year in my career. I am thankful that I had the courage to make the decision to participate in one on one coaching with Wendy, I almost let this opportunity slip through my hands because I thought it was going to be like every other program and promise on the market.

Shawna Hoover MBA
Financial Professional Redlands, California

Wendy has been coaching and working with me for a while now. After sharing the Financial Practice Evolution, I realized that I needed additional support to get to the next phase in my business. By building and hiring around me, it will give me the freedom to focus on revenue-generating activities and keeping me front and center with my clients. Wendy helped me in the hiring process and work strategically to make sure the right person was chosen and we put them in the right seats to drive our team's success.”

Alisha Langford, ChSNC
CEO of Abeona Planning
Special Needs Advisor Portland, Oregon,