Watch Video: 3 Biggest Financial Planning Mistakes I see my Floridian Clients Making.

Are your financials bulletproof and prepared for crashes and Taxes?

Attention Florida Residents!

I am Wendy Jestings, specializing in helping you turn everything you have ever learned about money completely turn it upside down. It is true, we are in a different uncharted time and that calls for unconventional thinking, not old school thinking. The financial world is not the same as it has been over the last 100 years. Therefore, we must look at other alternative ways to maximize or savings and ultimately create more flexibility and financial freedom than we thought possible.  

What We’ll Learn In Our Time Together 

Invested Too Aggressively?

Or More importantly, is all of your nest egg in one bucket? Which leads to Crakes in your nest Egg. The inflated stock market is feeling just like it did during previous "bubbles"... isn't it? Why not be proactive instead of reactive this time around?

What's Your Tax Efficiency Plan?

Are you missing out on important tax strategies like Roth IRA conversions? Our contributing to a non correlated product that can provide you tax favorable treatment? Don't get stuck over-paying your taxes throughout your retirement.

Proven Strategies around not running out of income and spending down all your assets.

In addition, there are strategies that you can leverage to potentially reduce and lower and in some cases eliminate taxes. 

Mitigate the effects of Market volatility.
Are Your Investments Protected?

Interest rates are at record lows. Is your money working hard or hardly working? Under-performing investments or too much unnecessary risk can be catastrophic to your retirement financial health.

In Addition to These Topics, We'll Also Discuss Your Specific Financial Questions that help you to personalize your own financial legacy Blueprint 

Don't make the same mistakes countless Floridian’s are making when it comes to their finances.

Your No-Cost, No-Obligation review can be right in the comfort of your own home on Zoom.

I'm that confident I can help!

After All, How would it feel to get peace of mind and more knowledge around Complex Topics As:

  • What are some estimates on how much I may potentially save in taxes over the long-run by converting to a Roth IRA?
  • What is efficiency planning anyways? Are tier alternative examples of safe investments and what are their rates?
  • What investment accounts should I begin spending first? My Taxable account? My IRA? My 401K?
  • When is the best time to begin my Social Security income?
  • Feeling like your investments are too risky or not positioned well in the event of a downturn? You have options before it's too late.